The Problem

Non-recyclable solid waste is being landfilled at an ever increasing rate causing pollution and contributing 5% of global carbon emissions

Incineration technology is not suitable for smaller scale distributed projects or for production of hydrogen

The transition to net zero will require huge amounts of renewable electricity and green hydrogen to replace existing fossil fuels

Our Solution
Moving Injection Horizontal Gasification
(Patent Protected)

Key Benefits
Simple, reliable, low cost
Suitable for a wide range of variable feedstocks with no preparation required
Unique configuration avoids many problems faced by conventional gasifiers
How it Works

MIHG Reactor
Feedstock is loaded
Reactor is closed
Feedstock is ignited
Oxygen injection point is slowly moved to gasify the fuel
Reactor is opened to remove inert slag and reload feedstock
Gas Cleanup
Raw syngas is cleaned using proven technology
By-products are recycled to MIHG reactor
Final Product
Clean syngas is converted to power using proven gas engine technology, or
Hydrogen is separated and purified using proven technology for use in fuel cell vehicles or industry

The MIHG process delivers negative net greenhouse gas emissions when processing general wastes destined for landfill.
The MIHG process produces renewable energy products such as electricity, hydrogen, syngas and biofuels/chemicals.
The MIHG process reduces the quantity of waste sent to landfill.
The MIHG process can be integrated with material recovery facilities to increase waste recycling and transition to a more circular economy.

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